Baghabrah, JumanaStudent - CRG & Comp Sci
Baioumy, MohamedStudent - GOALS & Comp Sci
Baumgartner, MarkusDPhil Student - A2I
Bellingham, JaredLead Robotics Software and Systems Engineer
Berdica, UljadStudent - SRL
Bhattacharyya, Raunak Postdoctoral Researcher - GOALS
Bouskela, HeleneOffice Manager & PA to the Director
Brudermüller, Lara Student - GOALS
Budd, MattStudent - GOALS
Camurri, Marco Senior Researcher
Cannizzaro, RicardoStudent - CRG
Capp, EllisStudent - SRL
Caroleo, GiammarcoStudent - SRL
Casseau, BenoitRobotics Software Engineer
Cater (Dunn), HolliePA to Paul Newman
Chebrolu, Nived Postdoctoral Researcher - DRS
Cloete, JacquesStudent - DRS
Collins, Jack Postdoctoral Researcher Assistant Alumni
Costi, LeonePost Doctoral Researcher - SRL
Hardin, Ben Student - CRG & Comp Sci
Havoutis, IoannisAssociate Professor in Engineering Science; Principal Investigator - DRS-C
Hawes, NickProfessor of AI & Robotics & Director of the ORI; Principal Investigator - GOALS
Hebberd, WillDPhil Student - DRS
Hentges, Carl Student - GOALS
Hou, Ningzhe (Lawrence)Student - SRL
Howard, RhysStudent - GOALS & CRG
Maiolino, PerlaAssociate Professor in Engineering Science; Principal Investigator - SRL
Mantegna, Francesco Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Neural Engineering
Marques, DanielTrials Manager
Mattamala, MatiasPostdoctoral Researcher - DRS
Mead, HarryDPhil Student - GOALS
Mitchell, AlexanderPostdoctoral Researcher - A2I
Muñoz-Bañón, Miguel ÁngelPostdoctoral Researcher Visitor - DRS
Mușat, ValentinaStudent - MRG
Painter, Michael Student - GOALS
Panagiotaki, Efimia Student - CRG
Papatheodorou, AristotelisStudent - DRS
Parker Jones, Oiwi Hugh Price Fellow in Computer Science; Principal Investigator - NPL
Pitt, LukeRobotic Systems Engineer
Pontin, MarcoPostdoctoral Researcher - SRL
Posner, IngmarProfessor of Applied AI; Principal Investigator - A2I
Prahacs, Chris Senior Robotics and Systems Engineer
Pramatarov, GeorgiStudent - MRG
Saffiotti, AlessandroVisiting Academic - GOALS
Schutz, AlexStudent - GOALS
Semenov, ValeriyStudent - DRS
Shah, PaarthStudent - DRS
Shen, SitianDPhil Student - MRG
Shorthose, Oliver Student - SRL
Somaiya, PratikRobotics Software Engineer
Stackpoole (Nockolds), AcaciaFormer Senior Programme Manager
Staniaszek, MichalStudent - GOALS & DRS
Stephens, AlexStudent - GOALS
Sze, Samuel Student - CRG
Tabia, BechirStudent - GOALS & DRS
Tekkesinoglu, SulePostdoctoral Researcher - CRG
Thorpe, TimeaActing Administrator
Thuremella, DivyaStudent - CRG
Tien Ly, Kim Postdoctoral Researcher - DRS
Towlson, MatthewPrincipal Research Technician
Tsengwa, KukhokuleStudent - DRS
Tubby, WayneMechanical Robotics Engineer