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Rohan Paul



MRG Publications


  • H. Grimmett, R. Triebel, R. Paul, and I. Posner, “Introspective Classification for Robot Perception,” International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 2015.
    author = {Grimmett, Hugo and Triebel, Rudolph and Paul, Rohan and Posner, Ingmar},
    title = {{I}ntrospective {C}lassification for {R}obot {P}erception},
    journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)},
    year = {2015},
    addendum = {{Corrigendum-ibid.}},
    pdf = {},


  • R. Paul, D. Feldman, D. Rus, and P. Newman, “Visual Precis Generation using Coresets,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, China, 2014.
    author = {Rohan Paul and Dan Feldman and Daniela Rus and Paul Newman},
    title = {Visual Precis Generation using Coresets},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2014},
    address = {Hong Kong, China},
    month = {May},
    pdf = {},


  • R. Triebel, H. Grimmett, R. Paul, and I. Posner, “Driven Learning for Driving: How Introspection Improves Semantic Mapping,” in International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR), Singapore, 2013.
    author = {Rudolph Triebel and Hugo Grimmett and Rohan Paul and Ingmar Posner},
    title = {Driven Learning for Driving: How Introspection Improves Semantic Mapping},
    booktitle = {International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR)},
    year = {2013},
    address = {Singapore},
    month = {December},
    pdf = {},
  • P. Corke, R. Paul, W. Churchill, and P. Newman, “Dealing with Shadows: Capturing Intrinsic Scene Appearance for Image-based Outdoor Localisation,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013.
    author = {Peter Corke and Rohan Paul and Winston Churchill and Paul Newman},
    title = {Dealing with Shadows: Capturing Intrinsic Scene Appearance for Image-based Outdoor Localisation},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    year = {2013},
    month = {November},
    pdf = {},
  • R. Triebel, H. Grimmett, R. Paul, and I. Posner, “Introspective Active Learning for Scalable Semantic Mapping,” in Workshop on Active Learning in Robotics: Exploration, Curiosity and Interaction. Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), 2013.
    author = {Rudolph Triebel and Hugo Grimmett and Rohan Paul and Ingmar Posner},
    title = {Introspective Active Learning for Scalable Semantic Mapping},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Active Learning in Robotics: Exploration, Curiosity and Interaction. Robotics Science and Systems (RSS)},
    year = {2013},
    month = {June},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {workshop_posner},
  • H. Grimmett, R. Paul, R. Triebel, and I. Posner, “Knowing When We Don’t Know: Introspective Classification for Mission-Critical Decision Making,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013.
    author = {Hugo Grimmett and Rohan Paul and Rudolph Triebel and Ingmar Posner},
    title = {Knowing When We Don't Know: Introspective Classification for Mission-Critical Decision Making},
    booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2013},
    address = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
    month = {May},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {conference_posner},


  • R. Paul, R. Triebel, D. Rus, and P. Newman, “Semantic Categorization of Outdoor Scenes with Uncertainty Estimates using Multi-Class Gaussian Process Classification,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012.
    author = {Rohan Paul and Rudolph Triebel and Daniela Rus and Paul Newman},
    title = {Semantic Categorization of Outdoor Scenes with Uncertainty Estimates using Multi-Class Gaussian Process Classification},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    year = {2012},
    address = {Vilamoura, Portugal},
    month = {October},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {Semantic Categorization},
  • R. Triebel, R. Paul, D. Rus, and P. Newman, “Parsing Outdoor Scenes from Streamed 3D Laser Data Using Online Clustering and Incremental Belief Updates,” in Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), Toronto, Canada, 2012.
    author = {Rudolph Triebel and Rohan Paul and Daniela Rus and Paul Newman},
    title = {Parsing Outdoor Scenes from Streamed 3D Laser Data Using Online Clustering and Incremental Belief Updates},
    booktitle = {Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12)},
    year = {2012},
    address = {Toronto, Canada},
    month = {July},
    date-added = {2012-04-17 09:00:00 +0000},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {Unsupervised Classification from 3D Point Clouds},
    owner = {Rudi},
    timestamp = {2012.05.17},
  • R. Paul, D. Rus, and P. Newman, “How was your day? Online Visual Workspace Summaries using Incremental Clustering in Topic Space,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Minnesota, USA, 2012.
    author = {Rohan Paul and Daniela Rus and Paul Newman},
    title = {How was your day? Online Visual Workspace Summaries using Incremental Clustering in Topic Space},
    booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2012},
    address = {Minnesota, USA},
    month = {May},
    date-modified = {2012-03-06 10:12:48 +0000},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {How Was Your Day?},
    owner = {ashley},
    timestamp = {2012.02.02},


  • R. Paul and P. Newman, “Self Help: Seeking Out Perplexing Images for Ever Improving Navigation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), Shanghai, China, 2011.
    author = {Rohan Paul and Paul Newman},
    title = {Self Help: Seeking Out Perplexing Images for Ever Improving Navigation},
    booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011)},
    year = {2011},
    address = {Shanghai, China},
    month = {May},
    note = {05},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {Self Help},
    owner = {rp},
    timestamp = {2011.05.12},


  • R. Paul and P. Newman, “FAB-MAP 3D: Topological Mapping with Spatial and Visual Appearance,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’10), Anchorage, Alaska, 2010, pp. 2649-2656.
    author = {Rohan Paul and Paul Newman},
    title = {FAB-MAP 3D: Topological Mapping with Spatial and Visual Appearance},
    booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'10)},
    year = {2010},
    pages = {2649-2656},
    address = {Anchorage, Alaska},
    month = {May},
    note = {05},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {Topological Mapping and Loop Closing With Vision and Laser and FABMAP},


  • M. Smith, I. Baldwin, W. Churchill, R. Paul, and P. Newman, “The New College Vision and Laser Data Set,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 28, iss. 5, pp. 595-599, 2009.
    author = {Mike Smith and Ian Baldwin and Winston Churchill and Rohan Paul and Paul Newman},
    title = {The New College Vision and Laser Data Set},
    journal = {The International Journal of Robotics Research},
    year = {2009},
    volume = {28},
    number = {5},
    pages = {595 - 599},
    month = {May},
    issn = {0921-8890},
    note = {Data Papers ¬{\'o} Peer Reviewed Publication of High Quality Data Sets},
    bdsk-url-1 = {},
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    doi = {DOI: 10.1177/0278364909103911},
    pdf = {},
    keywords = {Data Paper and 3D Laser Aquisition and 3D Laser Acquisition and Fusing Vision and Laser},
    url = {},