Oxford Robotics Institute | Projects - Digiforest

Bringing Innovation to Forestry
Digiforest is a 3.5 year Horizon Europe project developing innovative robotics and analytics technology to enable sustainable forestry.
It brings together partners working on aerial robots, walking robots, autonomous (lightweight) harvesters as well as forestry decision makers and commercial companies to create a full data pipeline to digitize the state of forests (at scale) and to collect maps and inventories which can be used by foresters in more precise, sustainable and modern ways.
The four scientific ambitions for the project are as follows:
- Mobile robotic navigation (multi-sensor motion estimation, 3D mission planning)
- Data-driven semantic mapping.
- Presentation of this data to a human supervisor, enabling him/her to make informed decisions
- Autonomous deployment of a mobile robot harvester to selectively intervene in an environmental manner.
The project runs from September 2022 to February 2026 and is funded by Innovate UK and the EU’s Horizon Europe scheme. Oxford's contribution will focus on developing 3D mapping technology and developing algorithms to allow the ANYmal robot to explore in forests and woodlands. Field trials will be carried out locally in Oxford as well as in Finland and Switzerland.
- ORI Principal Investigator: Maurice Fallon
- ORI Groups Involved: Dynamic Robot Systems
- Official Project Webpage: https://digiforest.eu/