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Perla Maiolino

Perla Maiolino

Associate Professor in Engineering Science. Principal Investigator - SRL

Principal Investigator - SRL


Maiolino received her Ph.D. in Robotics from the University of Genoa as well as her BEng and MEng. in Robotics and Automation. During her PhD she carried out research on the development and integration of distributed tactile sensor for robots, developing new technological solutions for artificial robot skin (CySkin). CySkin Technology has been shown at the “Robots” Exhibition at the Science Museum in London. From October 2017 to September 2018 she joined the Biologically Inspired Robotics Lab (BIRL) at the University of Cambridge, pursuing research related to soft robotics and soft tactile perception. Currently she is Associate Professor and member of Oxford Robotic Institute at the University of Oxford.

Most Recent Publications

Morphing surfaces inspired by thick-panel origami

Morphing surfaces inspired by thick-panel origami

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Soft and Highly-Integrated Optical Fiber Bending Sensors for Proprioception in Multi-Material 3D Printed Fingers

Soft and Highly-Integrated Optical Fiber Bending Sensors for Proprioception in Multi-Material 3D Printed Fingers

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Compliant Beaded-String Jamming For Variable Stiffness Anthropomorphic Fingers

Compliant Beaded-String Jamming For Variable Stiffness Anthropomorphic Fingers

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Soft Robot Localization Using Distributed Miniaturized Time-of-Flight Sensors

Soft Robot Localization Using Distributed Miniaturized Time-of-Flight Sensors

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JAMMit! Monolithic 3D-Printing of a Bead Jamming Soft Pneumatic Arm

JAMMit! Monolithic 3D-Printing of a Bead Jamming Soft Pneumatic Arm

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