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Publications from the Goal-Oriented Long-Lived Systems Group at the Oxford Robotics Institute

Publications @ GOALS

Experimental drought reduces the productivity and stability of a recovering calcareous grassland

Jackson J, Middleton SL, Lawson CS, Jardine E, Hawes N et al. (2023)

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  title={Experimental drought reduces the productivity and stability of a recovering calcareous grassland},
  author={Jackson J, Middleton SL, Lawson CS, Jardine E, Hawes N et al.},
  year = "2023"

Multi-unit auctions for allocating chance-constrained resources

Gautier AL, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M (2023), 37(10), 11560-11568

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  title={Multi-unit auctions for allocating chance-constrained resources},
  author={Gautier AL, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M},
  booktitle={37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023)},
  year = "2023"

RAMBO-RL: robust adversarial model-based offline reinforcement learning

Rigter M, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2023), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022)

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  title={RAMBO-RL: robust adversarial model-based offline reinforcement learning},
  author={Rigter M, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)},
  year = "2023"

DITTO: Offline Imitation Learning with World Models

DeMoss B, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Posner I (2023)

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  title={DITTO: Offline Imitation Learning with World Models},
  author={DeMoss B, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Posner I},
  year = "2023"

Bayesian reinforcement learning for single-episode missions in partially unknown environments

Budd M, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Lacerda B (2022), Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022)

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  title={Bayesian reinforcement learning for single-episode missions in partially unknown environments},
  author={Budd M, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Lacerda B},
  booktitle={6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Bayesian reinforcement learning for single-episode missions in partially unknown environments

Budd M, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Lacerda B (2022), Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022)

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  title={Bayesian reinforcement learning for single-episode missions in partially unknown environments},
  author={Budd M, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Lacerda B},
  booktitle={6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Shared autonomy systems with stochastic operator models

Costen C, Rigter M, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2022), Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI 2022), 4614-4620

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  title={Shared autonomy systems with stochastic operator models},
  author={Costen C, Rigter M, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={31st International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Shared autonomy systems with stochastic operator models

Costen C, Rigter M, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2022), Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI 2022), 4614-4620

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  title={Shared autonomy systems with stochastic operator models},
  author={Costen C, Rigter M, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={31st International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Beta residuals: improving fault-tolerant control for sensory faults via bayesian inference and precision learning

Baioumy M, Hartemink W, Ferrari R & Hawes N (2022), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(6), 285-291

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  title={Beta residuals: improving fault-tolerant control for sensory faults via bayesian inference and precision learning},
  author={Baioumy M, Hartemink W, Ferrari R & Hawes N},
  year = "2022"

Time-bounded large-scale mission planning under uncertainty for UV disinfection

Brudermüller L, Bhattacharyya R, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2022)

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  title={Time-bounded large-scale mission planning under uncertainty for UV disinfection},
  author={Brudermüller L, Bhattacharyya R, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={PlanRob: ICAPS 2022 Workshop on Planning and Robotics},
  year = "2022"

Time-bounded large-scale mission planning under uncertainty for UV disinfection

Brudermüller L, Bhattacharyya R, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2022)

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  title={Time-bounded large-scale mission planning under uncertainty for UV disinfection},
  author={Brudermüller L, Bhattacharyya R, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={PlanRob: ICAPS 2022 Workshop on Planning and Robotics},
  year = "2022"

Planning for Risk-Aversion and Expected Value in MDPs

Rigter M, Duckworth P, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2022), Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS, 32, 307-315

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  title={Planning for Risk-Aversion and Expected Value in MDPs},
  author={Rigter M, Duckworth P, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  year = "2022"

Context-aware modelling for multi-robot systems under uncertainty

Street C, Lacerda B, Staniaszek M, Mühlig M & Hawes N (2022), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022)

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  title={Context-aware modelling for multi-robot systems under uncertainty},
  author={Street C, Lacerda B, Staniaszek M, Mühlig M & Hawes N},
  booktitle={21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2022},
  year = "2022"

Context-aware modelling for multi-robot systems under uncertainty

Street C, Lacerda B, Staniaszek M, Mühlig M & Hawes N (2022), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022)

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  title={Context-aware modelling for multi-robot systems under uncertainty},
  author={Street C, Lacerda B, Staniaszek M, Mühlig M & Hawes N},
  booktitle={21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2022},
  year = "2022"

Risk-aware motion planning in partially known environments

Hawes N, Barbosa FS, Lacerda B, Duckworth P & Tumova J (2022), Proceedings of the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021), 5220-5226

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  title={Risk-aware motion planning in partially known environments},
  author={Hawes N, Barbosa FS, Lacerda B, Duckworth P & Tumova J},
  booktitle={60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)},
  year = "2022"

Risk-aware motion planning in partially known environments

Hawes N, Barbosa FS, Lacerda B, Duckworth P & Tumova J (2022), Proceedings of the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021), 5220-5226

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  title={Risk-aware motion planning in partially known environments},
  author={Hawes N, Barbosa FS, Lacerda B, Duckworth P & Tumova J},
  booktitle={60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)},
  year = "2022"

Negotiated Path Planning for Non-Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems

Gautier A, Stephens A, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M (2022), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 1, 472-480

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  title={Negotiated Path Planning for Non-Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems},
  author={Gautier A, Stephens A, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M},
  year = "2022"

Negotiated Path Planning for Non-Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems

Gautier A, Stephens A, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M (2022), Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 1, 472-480

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  title={Negotiated Path Planning for Non-Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems},
  author={Gautier A, Stephens A, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M},
  year = "2022"

Efficiently exploring for human robot interaction: partially observable Poisson processes

Jovan F, Tomy M, Hawes N & Wyatt J (2022), AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS

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  title={Efficiently exploring for human robot interaction: partially observable Poisson processes},
  author={Jovan F, Tomy M, Hawes N & Wyatt J},
  year = "2022"

Probabilistic Planning for AUV Data Harvesting from Smart Underwater Sensor Networks

Budd M, Salavasidis G, Karnarudzaman I, Harris CA, Phillips AB et al. (2022), IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2022-October, 12051-12057

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  title={Probabilistic Planning for AUV Data Harvesting from Smart Underwater Sensor Networks},
  author={Budd M, Salavasidis G, Karnarudzaman I, Harris CA, Phillips AB et al.},
  year = "2022"